William Edward Gladstone quote

The Beecher Mausoleum is the resting place for 171 souls, representing 65 family surnames. Significant historical research has been done to gather information about those interred there.

Below are links (click on the name) that reveal information gathered thus far on those laid to rest in the mausoleum.

Please keep in mind that although we have made every effort to research the historical data, there may be information that is not 100% accurate. Family histories are difficult to research without first hand knowledge of these peoples’ lives. Obituaries may contain inaccurate data, name misspellings, etc.

So, we ask that if you find errors, please let us know. They will be corrected as soon as possible.

If you would like to contribute information, please post in the reply section on the individual’s page. We will attempt to include your story and information as soon as possible on the page.

As an example, glance at the pages of Henry F. Bahlman and Minnie Bahlman. A family member contributed photographs to enhance their pages.

The Beecher Mausoleum truly represents a typical midwestern community of the 19th and 20th centuries. The people of Beecher and nearby towns knew each other for generations.  They fought wars together, families were joined by marriages, they mourned losses together, and life continued in the American way.  Beecher, Crete, Chicago Heights and the Hammond & Dolton areas are all represented by souls in the mausoleum.  Almost all of those interred here were related to each other in some way or another. It’s obvious that family connections exist when one observes the same surname on numerous headstones, but one must read the obituaries and genealogical information on each memorial page to learn the connections by marriage, including multiple marriages and what we call blended families in the 21th century. In fact, of the 65 family surnames in the mausoleum, only nine family surnames are not related to the others. At the bottom of each person’s memorial page you will find links to their other immediate family members resting alongside of them in the mausoleum.

Denotes pages where help or information is still needed
Prominent Citizen or Pioneer Citizen
Photo on page
Veteran Service
Free Mason
Eastern Star




BAHLMAN, ANNA L.10-13-186809-20-1942
BAHLMAN, CAROLYN M.09-23-190303-26-1924
BAHLMAN, CHARLES H.03-05-187203-08-1925
BAHLMAN, DONALD W.03-24-190612-21-1961
BAHLMAN, EMMA09-15-187009-12-1934
BAHLMAN, HENRY F.10-06-186209-06-1946
BAHLMAN, HENRY W. DDS12-01-189910-26-1964
BAHLMAN, JOHN H.12-12-186604-28-1926
BAHLMAN, LENA12-05-186404-23-1957
BAHLMAN, MARGUERITE01-05-190204-11-1994
BAHLMAN, MINNIE M.03-18-187212-23-1960
BAHLMAN, WILLLIAM F.02-09-186902-16-1933
BATTERMAN, AUGUST10-09-187710-08-1917
BERGMEIER, IDA02-26-188103-09-1920
BESEKE, CARL W. SR.10-18-182503-16-1915
BESEKE, CHARLES "CARL"04-15-187001-16-1934
BESEKE, CONRAD E.11-07-185706-11-1924
BESEKE, MARGRETA09-23-187401-09-1956
BIELFELDT, MINNIE D.02-18-187812-12-1955
BIELFELDT, RAYMOND J.07-24-189906-24-1921
BIELFELDT, WILLIAM07-28-187411-16-1941
BOHL, HEINRICH SR.04-18-183811-18-1921
BOHL, HENRY H. 03-09-187306-01-1952
BOHL, SOPHIE M.02-06-187603-11-1969
BROWN, MARY L.02-16-188108-01-1936
BROWN, WILFORD S.12-23-186807-24-1941
CLOIDT, ELIZABETH02-20-187404-23-1918
CLOIDT, JOSEPH04-03-184002-25-1932
CLOIDT, LOUISE10-11-184008-29-1915
DUNLAP, ASA JAMES04-06-189110-04-1951
DUNLAP, ROSE W. 10-13-189510-01-1985
FENSKE, NANCY GRAHAM12-17-195109-07-1977
FICK, LOUIS06-04-186107-07-1948
FICK, MARY02-06-186601-08-1937
FIENE, EMMA12-12-186608-23-1919
FIENE, HENRY12-27-186710-03-1945
FREERKING NELLIE M.07-26-190705-11-1991
FREERKING, HENRY 10-27-188209-18-1939
FROBOSE, MINNIE12-04-186307-15-1923
GERHARDT, WILLIAM PAUL01-17-189707-18-1954
GRAHAM, ARTHUR09-20-191307-02-1991
GURITZ, AUGUST02-22-185604-08-1926
GURITZ, DORA10-23-185501-05-1930
GURITZ, JOHN H.06-20-187609-05-1952
GURITZ, MARTHA12-19-187905-13-1925
HACK, ANNA09-26-186212-10-1914
HACK, ARTHUR06-08-189601-26-1956
HACK, CHARLES J.01-13-185812-31-1932
HACK, EDMUND C. M.D.01-13-188803-14-1954
HACK, ETHEL03-23-189804-09-1978
HACK, EVA06-24-186003-26-1933
HACK, HENRY07-29-185505-06-1935
HACK, HERMAN03-25-185302-19-1926
HACK, MARGARETHA B.05-20-189101-01-1970
HACK, MARY 07-20-185511-10-1924
HAGER, CLARE E.12-30-188812-28-1971
HALTENHOF, SOPHIA08-27-187012-29-1934
HALTENHOF, WILLIAM05-13-186306-24-1936
HANK, MARIE L.11-29-188808-12-1937
HANK, THEODORE02-25-188708-12-1937
HEINE, FRED02-16-186210-05-1939
HELDT, ERNST SR.01-20-184104-07-1916
HELDT, HENRY SR.10-19-185703-07-1920
HELDT, IDA08-12-188308-23-1962
HELDT, LISETTE01-08-184202-09-1923
HILDEMAN, FERNE03-12-190906-28-1990
HILDEMAN, WILLIAM R.04-18-190808-03-1986
HINZE, ARTHUR A. 10-28-189502-28-1960
HINZE, LORA B.12-07-189206-05-1963
HINZE, MARY E.11-04-187710-25-1969
HOFFMANN, MARIA08-28-184601-12-1920
HOPPENSTEADT, PAUL E.01-28-189802-04-1920
HORN, ARTHUR H.07-13-190105-09-1971
HORN, CAROLINE F.12-01-186610-21-1918
HORN, REINHOLD W.02-20-189801-20-1943
HORN, WALTER L.06-25-189207-10-1937
HUNTE, ALBERT L.09-18-188805-11-1933
HUNTE, CARL08-02-189003-20-1950
HUNTE, HENRY11-10-186010-13-1930
HUNTE, MINNIE10-22-186211-07-1943
KACZYNSKI, JOHN05-04-189003-26-1942
KAPPE, GEORGE03-01-187302-27-1941
KAPPE, MINNA03-19-187703-03-1948
KILBORN, ALBERT F.08-10-187801-28-1933
KILBORN, ELIZABETH05-12-188003-19-1949
KIRCHHOFF, CAROLINE07-06-186206-30-1942
KIRCHHOFF, HARRY01-29-190012-24-1902
KIRCHHOFF, LOUIS11-03-185810-06-1912
KLOCKSIEBEN, AUGUSTA08-09-185402-25-1940
KLOCKSIEBEN, WILHELM12-24-184304-26-1927
KOCH, EMIL05-10-185703-29-1940
KOCH, LOUISE03-01-185902-24-1942
KRUEGER, ANNA L.10-13-188406-22-1967
KRUEGER, AUGUST08-07-187612-20-1951
LANGREDER, CHARLES07-12-189903-12-1928
LANGREDER, FRED12-19-186307-29-1940
LANGREDER, MILDRED11-23-190610-02-1932
LEDER, ALICE M.07-17-190203-26-1980
MAASS, ALEXANDER A.09-28-188003-02-1955
MAASS, LOUISE08-08-188612-18-1919
MATTHIAS, EDDIE07-28-189912-19-1941
MATTHIES, EMMA04-12-186701-08-1948
MATTHIES, WILLIAM03-04-186101-11-1937
MC CARTY, FRIEDA RILEY04-30-190112-23-1990
MEYER, DIEDRICH04-05-184202-22-1925
MEYER, HARRY H.01-26-190005-07-1943
MEYER, HENRY F.03-18-185910-25-1933
MEYER, MELSINA12-09-186008-01-1930
MEYER, WILHELMINA07-26-184302-13-1920
MILEY, ALICE A.02-21-190707-29-1985
MILEY, ANNA A.11-27-187008-21-1954
MILEY, MARY E. & MILTON C.04-24-191304-24-1913
MILEY, MICHAEL DR.11-28-185802-01-1939
MILEY, OLIVE M. 01-17-191506-25-1989
MONK, DENA09-07-189002-19-1916
NIEDERT, CHARLOTTE04-07-183603-10-1925
OHLENDORF, WILLIAM05-04-187901-28-1960
PANSA, BETTY10-09-186703-22-1959
PANSA, EDWARD06-11-186309-21-1937
PETERS, ELIZABETH02-27-189203-26-1964
PETERS, FRIEDARICKA03-09-186408-09-1941
PETERS, HELEN05-21-190006-21-1948
PETERS, MARTIN10-27-185701-06-1929
PETERS, RUDOLPH03-03-189909-14-1950
PETERS, WILLIAM F.06-28-189701-24-1974
PRALLE, LOUIS10-27-186901-20-1945
PRALLE, MINNIE08-29-187710-12-1942
PRALLE, WILHELMINA06-01-184211-25-1931
RILEY, JOHN J.07-31-189608-24-1950
RISTENPART, HERMINE06-20-186908-26-1945
RISTENPART, WILLIAM10-20-186305-25-1933
ROHE, FRED BERNARD08-20-187404-08-1952
ROHE, JOANNA01-03-189402-22-1986
ROHE, SOPHIE STEEGE04-12-187402-28-1929
RUST, EMMA09-25-187108-24-1945
RUST, HENRY F.06-14-186504-27-1943
SALLER, BABY SON01-18-192801-18-1928
SALLER, DOROTHY B.05-16-190306-27-1992
SALLER, HERBERT C.11-29-189704-14-1958
SELK, ANNA05-23-187008-13-1918
SELK, WILLIAM08-21-186005-17-1924
STRUVE, ARTHUR06-11-187007-27-1932
STRUVE, CAROLINE L. 01-01-187403-07-1950
STRUVE, ROSAMUNDA01-25-183706-25-1915
THIELMAN, DOLLIE JOANNE01-21-193511-05-1968
THIELMAN, HENRY F.05-04-186410-20-1947
THIELMAN, LESLIE R.12-12-193207-03-2020
THIELMAN, LOREN WALTER03-17-192806-17-1954
THIELMAN, MINNIE05-13-187806-23-1942
THIELMAN, PAULA M.11-25-190307-08-2001
THIELMAN, WALTER L. 10-16-190310-31-1959
VAGT, CARL07-15-185005-28-1937
VAGT, MARIA10-09-185803-10-1932
VON ENGELN, HERMAN11-08-186103-12-1928
VON ENGELN, LOUISE 09-21-186812-15-1918
WEGERT, HENRY DR05-30-187904-09-1967
WEGERT, LILLIAN02-07-189106-19-1961
WEHMHOEFER, AUGUSTA08-26-187312-30-1947
WEHMHOEFER, CHARLOTTE06-24-188007-02-1954
WEHMHOEFER, EDWARD01-22-187811-18-1920
WEHMHOEFER, EDWIN10-25-190510-11-1927
WEHMHOEFER, HENRY06-30-187107-09-1936
WEST, MARY GERHARDT02-27-189607-25-1989
WESTPHAL, MATILDA09-28-188402-11-1915
WIECHEN, DIETRICH03-25-186807-19-1950
WIECHEN, LOUISE09-16-187501-25-1926
WILKENING, HENRY C.12-31-186001-30-1927
WILKENING, MARY 09-13-186409-04-1927
WILLIAMS, ELEANOR MAY04-16-187205-17-1929

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