John J. Riley

Age: 54 years, 24 days


DOB: July 31, 1896
Chicago, IL USA

DOD: Aug. 24, 1950
at home: 3347 Aberdeen St, Chicago, IL USA

Buried with:
Frieda Riley McCarty

Parents names and siblings unknown.

Help PleasePlease help us solve a true mystery:

We know John’s father was born in Boston, MA, per his WW1 registration, and his closest listed relative was Michael Riley, 3241 Union Ave, Chicago, IL. His WW1 registration shows he had blue eyes and light brown hair and was living at 1435 Fulton St. Chicago, IL USA. His employer was Michael Artery, 768 Van Burean St. West, Chicago, IL.


Military Service Unconfirmed


1940 Census: Age 43, married to Frieda, 211 North Homan Ave, Chicago, IL, listed as a Machinery Mover, unemployed 9 weeks, has a source of other income, his wife is listed as Rose (Rose may have been a nick name) with son John, age 8 years

In 1942, John’s WW2 Registration Card contains the following information: Age 45, living at 2847 W. Madison St, Chicago, IL. Name of person who will always know his address: Machinery Union, 740 W. Madison St, Chicago, IL.  His employer’s name was listed as Taft Brothers, Mr. Robert Taft, 1125 W. Adams St, Chicago, IL.

The Coroner’s Certificate in 1950 contains the following information about John: married to Frieda Riley, 3347 Aberdeen St, Chicago, IL, and he was listed as a machinery mover.  The cause of death was organic heart disease, sudden death.

We can’t find any information for John in the census records for 1900, 1910, 1920, or 1930.

John’s family members also resting in the mausoleum are:

Wife: Frieda (Beseke) Riley McCarty  ???
Wife’s Father & Mother: Charles Carl Beseke & Margreta (Tobeck) Beseke
Wife’s Grandfather: Charels W. Beseke
Wife’s Uncle: Conrad Beseke

Other, more distant family include: Bahlman, Batterman, Bergmeier, Bielfeldt, Bohl, Cloidt, Dunlap, Engleking,  Fenske, Fick, Fiene, Freerking, Frobose, Graham, Guritz, Hack, Hager, Haltenhof , Heine, Heldt, Hildeman, Hinze, Hoffman, Hoppensteadt, Horn, Hunte, Kaczynski, Kappe, Kilborn,  Kirchhoff,  Klocksieben, Koch, Langreder, Leder, Maass, Matthias, Meyer, Monk, Niedert, Ohlendorf, Pansa, Peters, Pralle, Ristenpart, Rohe, Rust, Saller, Selk, Struve, Thielman, Vagt, Von Engeln, Wegert, Wehmhoefer, Wiechen, Westphal, Wilkening.

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