William Paul Gerhardt

Age: 57 years, 6 months, 1 day


DOB: Jan. 17, 1897
Carbon Cliff, IL USA

DOD: July 18, 1954
At home, Beecher, IL USA



Moline High School 1915 Paul Gerhardt. I'm not sure if this really is William Paul Gerhardt or not

Moline High School 1915 Paul Gerhardt. We’re not sure if this really is William Paul Gerhardt or not

Son of William F. and Nellie (nee Nelson) Gerhardt

Brother to: Margaret and Gertrude (Edward Erickson) Gerhardt

Attended Augustana College & University of Illinois

Worked at R & V Wagner Ordinance Co, E. Moline, IL June 1918

Husband of Mary Stella Coffman, married August 18, 1918 in Chicago, IL

Served in WW1 Naval Reserves, June 19, 1918 through Sept 15, 1919

Born January 17, 1897, in Carbon Cliff, Illinois, Mr. Gerhardt had been a resident of Beecher for 20 years and was superintendent of Beecher Schools for 16 years. From 1951-1954, he taught social science and acted as guidance director for the schools.

He was a member of Chicago Heights American Legion Post 131, secretary of Beecher Lodge 1087; president of the Beecher Community Church board; a Bible class instructor; a member of the Royal Neighbors of America; a member of Kappa Delta Phi and Phi Delta Kappa, and a member of the National Education Association and Illinois Education Association. He was a graduate of Augustana College and had received his master’s degree from the University of Illinois.

August 18, 1949   – Beecher Herald


8-18-1949 Gerhardt - Wisc ResortAnnounces That Schools Will Open Here On The Day After Labor Day

Paul Gerhardt, our genial Supt. of Schools, who is vacationing in Wisconsin, has the following to say in a letter dated Aug. 10 at Summitt Lake, Wisc.:
School will start the day after Labor Day – perhaps Labor Day will be a school holiday this year. The State Legislature passed the bill, but as yet, the Governor has not signed it. Perhaps he soon will.
An announcement will be made later as to the time, perhaps two days during the week before Labor Day, when parents may procure the books and supplies rented to the pupils for next year. These may be procured at the school at that time. All rentals will be CASH, as credit will involve too much confusion and bookkeeping. Rental fees will be published before that date.
Have you seen the newly remodeled grade school rooms and home economics department? After they are cleaned up, come in and see what can be done to an old room with a reasonable amount of work and expense. Compare the sound effects and lighting with those in the new addition and see the difference. We sincerely hope you will inspect the building before school begins, also the new desks.

 the article continues:     HIGHWAYS

8-18-1949 Gerhardt - HighwaysSince we are becoming road or highway conscious in Illinois, as well as education conscious, I want to comment on the excellent condition of the highways all over Wisconsin. There has been extensive improvements over a year ago, and the detours all over concrete or black top only indicate the fact that Wisconsin is doing a lot of road work. Even her off-roads are far better that our trunk lines. How can a poor state, relatively speaking, like Wisconsin be so progressive as far as all its highways, county as well as state, are concerned, and the richest state, with due apologies to California, be so hesitant to improving its highways much less building new ones? Perhaps we should not even mention our county roads at all. A year ago, in driving 600 miles of Wisconsin’s main highways and county roads, the writer hit only a few miles of bad roads, and it was awful. However, it was a stretch of highway passing a federal explosive storage area and the Federal Government had control of the upkeep of that strip of road.
Another sister state that is doing a great deal towards road building and road repairs (black-topping) is our neighbor state of Indiana – another state not especially known for its wealth. But somehow it is finding money with which to build and repair highways. IF there is some secret that these states and especially Wisconsin have perhaps they would share that secret with Illinois. Perhaps it would help in our extensive planning for a state highway system at this time. Certainly it would do no harm for us in Illinois to make a study of the methods used in financing both state and county road construction in some of our sister states.

January 1, 1953  – Beecher Herald


1-1-1953 Gerhardt

A standard Course in First Aid to be taught by Paul Gerhardt, is now being organized under the sponsorship of the public schools. This class, which is open to all adults in this and the surrounding area, will be offered if enough people are interested.
This training is especially important now because of the program of civilian defense underway.
Study materials for the eight evening meetings at the Beecher Public School will include the Red Cross First Aid textbook, the Civilian Defense Supplement, and the bulletin on the new method of administering first aid.
The first meeting will be held Jan. 19, at 7:30 p.m., at which another more suitable evening may be chosen.
Those interested should notify the school by calling 3671 or 2781. Because the course has not been given here for several years, most of the Red Cross First Aid cards are no longer effective. These cards are effective for three years.

July 20, 1954 – Chicago Heights Star


Paul Gerhardt obit-the starFuneral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. today for Paul Gerhardt, 57 an instructor and guidance director for Beecher Schools, who died Sunday morning at his home on Prairie Avenue in Beecher after a long illness.

The rites will be conducted in the Hack Chapel, with Dr. John Williamson officiating. Burial will be in the Beecher Mausoleum, with Beecher Lodge 1087 conducting the graveside rites.

Born January 17, 1897, in Carbon Cliff, Ill., Mr. Gerhardt had been a resident of Beecher for 20 years and was superintendent of Beecher schools for 16 years. For the past four years he taught social science and acted as guidance director for the schools.


Old Main Building Augustana College, Rock Island, IL

He was a member of Chicago Heights American Legion Post 131; secretary of Beecher Lodge 1087; president of the Beecher Community church board; a bible class instructor; a member of the Royal Neighbors of America; a member of Kappa Delta Phi and Phi Delta Kappa, and a member of the National Education Association. He was a graduate of Augustana college and had received a master’s degree from the University of Illinois. kappa-delta-phi-educational-foundation-edward-f-we-66

Mer. Gerhardt is survived by his wife, Mary; one sister, Mrs. Edward Erickson of Carbon Cliff, and five nephews and seven nieces.

July 22, 1954 – Beecher Herald


7-22-1954 Gerhardt

The many friends, both young and old, deeply mourn the passing of Paul Gerhardt, 57, at his home on Prairie Avenue, early Sunday morning, following several months’ illness.
Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. today for Paul Gerhardt, 57 an instructor and guidance director of Beecher Schools, who died Sunday morning at his home on Prairie Avenue in Beecher after a long illness.
The rites will be conducted in the Hack Chapel, with Dr. John Williamson officiating. Burial will be in the Beecher Mausoleum, with Beecher Lodge 1087 conducting the graveside rites.
Born January 17, 1897, in Carbon Cliff, IL, Mr. Gerhardt had been a resident of Beecher for 20 years and was superintendent of Beecher schools for 16 years. For the past four years he taught social science and acted as guidance director for the schools.
He was a member of Chicago Heights American Legion Post 131; AmerLegioncolorEmblemsecretary of Beecher Lodge 1087; president of the Beecher Community church board; a bible class instructor; a member of the Royal Neighbors of America; a member of Kappa Delta Phi and Phi Delta Kappa; and a member of the National Education Association and Illinois Education Association. He was a graduate of Augustana College and had received a master’s degree from the University of Illinois.
Mr. Gerhardt is survived by his wire, Mary: one sister, Mrs. Edward Erickson of Carbon Cliff , and five nephews and seven nieces.

July 29, 1954  – Beecher Herald


7-29-1954 Gerhardt

A group of representatives of the Alumni, P.T.A. and faculty met in the Beecher High School on Monday, July 26th. Members present included Mrs. Shirley Wille, chairman; Miss Garneta Ehlers, treasurer; Mrs. Charlene Graham, Mrs. Kiedaisch, Norman Holdt and Alfred Pirtle.
Plans were discussed regarding the promotion of a memorial fund for Mr. Paul Gerhardt, who was a teacher and superintendent in the Beecher schools for twenty years. The general consensus of opinion would indicate that something useful and permanent should be donated to the school from the fund.
Donations for this fund should be given or sent to Miss Ehlers at the Farmers State Bank. Plans for another meeting of this committee has been set for 8 o’clock August 20th, at the high school. Anyone interested in attending this meeting, please feel free to come.

November 25, 1954  – Beecher Herald


11-25-1954 Gerhardt

At last Tuesday night’s P.T.A. meeting, the members and guests were permitted to watch a regular school board meeting. The able president of the board, Carl Peterson presided, with Wilmer Selk acting as secretary Pro-Tem, due to the absence of the board secretary, Arnold Brands. Printed sheets of the business to be considered were given to the PTAers so they could have a clear understanding of the board procedure.
One point was discussion of the necessity of increasing the education tax rate. Right now, Beecher’s pay for new teachers is on the average about $300 less than communities like Beecher, which means the difficulty in getting more teachers will be increasingly more acute in the future. This year the sate funds for education aid will be about 10 percent less which means a loss of several thousand dollars to this area. Another item pointed out in the discussion is the fact that the tax rate for education is the same as it was when the unit system was organized although the expenses have risen yearly.
Board members present were Pres. Peterson, Wilmer Selk, John Weber and Ray Wassman. The treasurer, Henry Ohlendorf and Superintendent French were also present.
Rev. H. Wunderlich gave a prayer of Thanksgiving at the beginning of the PTA meeting. Mrs. James Franks presided in the absence of Mrs. Zehr.
The Paul Gerhardt memorials were presented to the school by Mrs. Willard Wille, chairman of the Gerhardt memorial fund for the school and were accepted by the Sr. class president, Walter Schultz. A fitting tribute was paid to the late Paul Gerhardt by coach Welton Stedt, who spoke as a student, a subordinate, a co-worker and as a friend.
The high school chorus under the direction of Miss Torri, sang a Thanksgiving Medley that was well received.
Refreshments were served by the members of the Freshman and Sophmore classes.

The symbol on William’s headstone indicates he was a member of the freemasons.


William Paul Gerhardt’s family members also resting in the mausoleum are:
Wife: Mary Stella (Coffman) Gerhardt West

Help Please

Does anyone have a photo of William Gerhardt or Marry Stella (Coffman) Gerhardt West ?




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