Age: 68 years, 10 months, 7 days


DOB: May 12, 1880

DOD: March 19, 1949
Hammond, IN USA

Parentage unknown


Wife of Albert F. Kilborn, married June 3, 1906, Lake County, IN USA
Mother to: Charles A. (Mildred L. Thielman), and Marguerite (Carl Schau) Kilborn

Help Please


Can you help identify Elizabeth’s
birth family?



March 21, 1949  – Hammond Times


Elizabeth Kilborn obitFuneral services for Mrs. Elizabeth Kilborn, age 69, of 6723 Delaware, Hammond, Ind. will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Neidow Chapel, 117 Rimbach. Rev. George Krupp will officiate. Interment will be at the Beecher Mausoleum, Beecher Illinois.

Surviving are a son, Charles and one daughter  Mrs. Marguerite Schau of Hammond, and three grandchildren.

Kilborn Family before 1919

Elizabeth, standing, second from the right.

Albert, standing, center

Charles, standing, second from the left


(Editor’s note: Albert & Elizabeth Kilborn’s remains were moved to the Beecher Mausoleum after the mausoleum where they were originally interred, located in Indiana, was so badly vandalized it was ordered demolished by the city. I believe it was in Crown Point, IN.)

Elizabeth’s family members also resting in the mausoleum are:

Husband: Albert F. Kilborn
Brother & Sister-in-law of son (Charles): Walter L. Thielman & Paula M.(Kuhlman) Thielman
Father & Mother-in-law of son (Charles): Henry F. Thielman & Minnie K. (Bielfeldt) Thielman
Nephew: Loren W. Thielman
Nephew’s Wife: Dollie J. (Johnson) Thielman

Other, more distant family include: Bahlman, Batterman, Bergmeier, Beseke, Bielfeldt, Bohl, Cloidt, Dunlap, Engleking,  Fenske, Fick, Fiene, Freerking, Frobose, Graham, Guritz, Hack, Hager, Haltenhof , Heine, Heldt, Hildeman, Hinze, Hoffman, Hoppensteadt, Horn, Hunte, Kaczynski, Kappe, Kirchhoff,  Klocksieben, Koch, Langreder, Leder, Maass, Matthias, Mc Carty, Meyer, Monk, Niedert, Ohlendorf, Pansa, Peters, Pralle, Riley, Ristenpart, Rohe, Rust, Saller, Selk, Struve, Thielman, Vagt, Von Engeln, Wegert, Wehmhoefer, Wiechen, Westphal, Wilkening,


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