DOB: September 28, 1880
Sumner Township,
Kankakee County, IL USA
DOD: March 2, 1955
Son of William and Emilie Auguste (nee Hamann) Maass
Brother to 12 siblings: Ida Emile Maass, Anna Friederick (William Hopner), Bertha Auguste (William Wilkin), Wilhelm Carl (Caroline Rasche), Amelia Friedericke, Albert Henry (Amanda B. Reaman), Otto Fred (Anna Lipke), Leona (Bernhardt Wilkin), Mathilda Augusta (Harry Keeney), Rudolph Henry, Benjamin Wilhelm (Minnie L. Fick) and Adeli Stevenson (Alvina Weigel) Maass
Husband of Louise Maria Magdalena Prusz, married November 12, 1903
Father to: Lila R. (Frank L. Hodges), Elmer (Marie unknown) and Clifford R. (Mary Elizabeth unknown) Maass
Alexander was also the husband of Nellie M. (maiden name unknown), married circa 1928.
Nellie also married August Freerking on April 18, 1956, after Alexander’s death.
What we do know from the Census and Draft Registrations:
1900: Age 19, Single, Farm labor, Living at home with his family in Sumner, Kankakee, IL
1910: Age 28, Married to Louise, Farmer, Washington Township, IL
Sept. 12, 1918: Age 37, WW1 Draft Registration, Railroad checker, C & E I Railroad Co., East end of Chicago Heights
1920: Age 39, Widowed, Freight house checker, Chicago Heights, IL
1930, Age 49, Married to Nellie, Farm labor, Garner Township, IL
1940, Age 59, Married to Nellie, Farmer, Garner Township, IL
1942, Age 61, WWII Draft Registration, Farmer, Momence, Kankakee County, IL
Alexander’s family members also resting in the mausoleum are:
1st Wife: Louise (Priess) Maass
2nd Wife: Nellie M. Maass Freerking
2nd Wife’s (Nellie’s) brother-in-law: Henry J. Freerking
Other, more distant family include: Bahlman, Batterman, Bergmeier, Beseke, Bielfeldt, Bohl, Cloidt, Dunlap, Engleking, Fenske, Fick, Fiene, Frobose, Graham, Guritz, Hack, Hager, Haltenhof , Heine, Heldt, Hildeman, Hinze, Hoffman, Hoppensteadt, Horn, Hunte, Kaczynski, Kappe, Kilborn, Kirchhoff, Klocksieben, Koch, Langreder, Leder, Matthias, Mc Carty, Meyer, Monk, Niedert, Ohlendorf, Pansa, Peters, Pralle, Riley, Ristenpart, Rohe, Rust, Saller, Selk, Struve, Thielman, Vagt, Von Engeln, Wegert, Wehmhoefer, Wiechen, Westphal, Wilkening,
Alexander was my great uncle. His mother’s sister was a keutemier or kutemeier. Also spelled kutemeyer, so he would be related to them and they are still in the area. Most of his siblings and parents are buried in the heusing cemetery in rural grant park. One brother, benjamin and his wife are buried in beecher cemetery. He is also related to the rasche family in the area as his brother William married a Rasche sometimes spelled with original spelling of rascher. Thank you for your work on this